
Technology Addictions - Media & Tech

technology is great, it helps us communicate, get information on topics, helping out with school, but just like anything else more is not always better. Technology addiction has become a huge issue now with teens because social media is right at our fingertips and very intertaning.

PPT presentation by Viraj Aggarwal & Siddhant Ohri, Delhi Public School, Vasant Kunj, New Delhi, India

Effects of addiction

technology has become a huge part in our lives, from new advances in phones to touch screen computers. technology is cool, but there is a problem we can not handle it. Studies have shown that the average 19 year old college student spends about 12 hour on technology a day. this includes TV, computers, tablets and of course phones. Technology was created to help us, but it has become addicting like a drug and has negative effects. Some effects are detachment from piers and family, social skills are lost and even mood swings.

Content by: Theo J, Littleton High School, USA