
Violent Media Does Not Influence Teens - Media & Tech

Credits go to: Wiki Media, Guns picture credits to: Corso and Nemo5576, No Sign picture credits to: Fibonacci

Some people believe that violent videogames, movies, music, and tv shows can cause violent behavior in teens. Thus school shootings/ bombings, or any events that are associated with violent media. That it can lead to. Although if someone was to already have violent ideas violent media could impact the way or how they would kill someone.

I on the other hand I do not agree with that assumption. I as myself play violent videogames and watch violent movies and no violence has been brought upon me from these methods.

There are a few sites the disprove that violent media does not influence teens.

Crime Rates versus Video Game Production

From 1972 to 2004 crime has gone from 47,500 to less than 22,500. When a big production a video games came into play around 1993 crime dropped from more than 50,000 to less than 22,500. That's 27,500 of crimes that weren't being comitted.

On the article it states that, "Recently, the NRA blamed violent video games and other media for school shootings. “Guns don’t kill people,” the NRA’s Wayne LaPierre said at a news conference. “Video games, the media and Obama’s budget kill people.” " Although I don't believe this. Video games release stress and anger more so than to increase the hate.

Here is a crime chart to show crimes v. video game production. Crime Chart

Credits go to: Wikipedia, X-Box picture credits to: Evan-amos

Pro and Con list of Violent Media Affects

Violent video games have been blamed for school shootings, increases in bullying, and violence towards women. In the U.S. 97% of 12-17 year olds played video games in 2008. THis gives an $11.7 billion to the video game industry. In 2008, 10 of the top 20 best-selling video games in the US contained violence. On Oct. 7, 2005, California passed a law that required violent video games to include an "18" label and criminalized the sale of these games to minors.

Here is a view of both sides of violent media influencing and not influencing teens . Pro and Con List

Former FBI Profiler Senior Profiler

Individuals who are already going to act out in violence tend to emerge themselves in video games 24/7 and are isolated and use video games as educational material for teaching themselves to do the crime better, such as: select the victims, how to approach the crime scene, better tools,etc. Former FBI Profiler Mary O'Toole doesn't see these as the cause of violence but sources of fueling ideation. To fuel an already existing violent act that will happen. It spread physocologically. Tim Murphy a representative of Pennsylvania also believes that video games don't cause violent behavior but the factor of mental illness does.

Here is a site to watch the conference/ discussion of this topic. FBI Profiler

Credits go to: Flickr, Picture credits to: Anders Sandberg

In Conclusion

In conclusion I do not believe that violent media influences teens into doing violent acts of crime such as shootings, bombings, etc. The sites provided above help disprove this fact, from statistics of game companies to a former FBI Profiler.

Credits go to: Ben C.

Content by: Crystal S, Littleton High School, USA